Winter is Coming; Game of Thrones!

You know nothing Jon Snow….or do you?

You know nothing Jon Snow….or do you?

Author: ArtsyChowRoamer

Winter is Coming: Game of Thrones


Did you think it would ever get here? I am not a nerd! But I do watch Game of Thrones. Mainly because I read the books and I am not happy that I will know how it ends without the last book to read first! Winter is coming…is this blog should catch you up to where we are before Season 8 opens.

George R.R. Martin usually takes around seven years to complete one of his tomes. They are big; Gone with the Wind size volumes that make reading so much fun. They are well researched and he must have a football fields worth of wall space that he posts notes, pictures, story lines and who is related to whom on so he can keep track of it all.


The North remembers and it was dealt several hard blows with Eddard Stark being killed and then the Red Wedding taking Rob, his wife and his mother. As always, who saw these things coming? This is the hard thing about being a Thrones fan, you just don’t get too attached to any one character.

Martin takes them out at will no matter what. I am convinced that the howl heard world around at Jon Snow being killed probably talked him into figuring out a way to bring him back unlike others killed off in the series.

Jon Snow….the bastard of House Stark only to find out….really a son of House Stark and House Targaryen. He is a man of the North with a feel for dragons. Will Jon Snow win the day thereby giving it to the Starks and the Targaryens?


We know Jamie killed the crazy father of Deanerys and she knows he was crazy too….sorta like her brother that bit it early on and I really wasn’t sorry to see him go. He sold her out only for it to be for a love match; her sun and her stars and a baby that was not to be.

But she is the mother of dragons. Three big ones that really love her except for the one that got killed last season and the White Walkers brought back for their side. What will it do when it encounters it’s mother again? You know it will. What will she do?

When will she and Jon Snow realize that they are related and therefore might not be having sex with each other anymore because of it; not that that stopped Cersei and Jamie.


We already know that another of our heroes, Tyrion, the little man, will finally be appreciated as the hand of Deanerys. He’s smart, he’s empathetic and he knows what it is like to be bullied for something he can’t help. This is the making of a true heroes heart.

We know Jamie is not liking his sister in the same incestuous way these two have loved for many years. He is doubting her and all of their children have paid a price for being who they are. He has found an honorable and unlikely friendship with Brienne of Tarth.

Does it mean anything or will the red haired wildling who has had his eye on Brienne for awhile melt her knights heart? If not Brienne for Jamie, than who? Where does he fit? It stands to reason that he or Tyrion will end Cersei because that is what the prophesy said.


We care what happens to Brienne and the oath she took to care for the girls of House Stark. We want a wildling to end up with something good to show for what they have given up. What about poor Samwell Tarley whose father should be tarred and feathered and run out of town?

He seems happy enough with his wildling wife but what will they give to the cause? He is finding the answers-maybe more than we think.

What of the Red Priestess Melisandre? Is she done after bringing Jon Snow back to life or has she some big purpose left? Why is the Hound still alive? He wasn’t in the book unless Martin was going to bring him back in the last one yet written.


Will the Night King prevail? Cause that could be the cause of the next new series. He is cunning and smart and Jon Snow has already found that out. They brought one of the dragons back from death. That is a game changer.

Will the information that Samwell Tarley has been carefully accumulating come into play on how to kill the white walkers and win the day for the good guys?

Will the Lannisters be convinced to fight with the right side? Will they play fair if they do? Cersei is not to be trusted as many have found out too late.


Who will we lose in this epic upcoming battle because you know we will. Who are we willing to give up at this point? Who will it make sense that we had to lose? Will the dragons make all the difference? Will a white walker dragon make all the difference for the other side?

It already destroyed the Wall. That could never have happened before. Having the dragon is epic and says the White Walkers are smart and know what it might take to win the day.

I guess in a way this is this generations The Hobbit. I was never a Hobbit fan but I know a lot of folks who are 10 years older or more that read every book and were as into it and the movies as we seem to be on Game of Thrones.


Winter is here. I know there are lots of people who think it is nerdy to be watching the series but if you read the books you would know why. HBO sexed it up for sure and made it even more interesting as they picked out the best story lines to follow out of the big books.

Where am I going with this? I am glad it is back. I hope it is worth the wait. I hope Martin is still putting out the last book with all the details in the story lines. And just maybe, I am hoping there are a few threads that don’t get totally answered that take us to the next series.

I hope this isn’t the last we see of some of these characters. They are too interesting to let go. You should have at least an idea of what is going on now. I hope you enjoyed reading my musings on Game of Thrones. Time to get comfortable with some of our heroes again.

You know nothing Jon Snow…

You know nothing Jon Snow…

If you enjoyed what you read, you might want to read some other blogs under Just Because and hey, don’t be a stranger! Let me hear from you and what you think is going to happen with the ending season of Game of Thrones. Who will win the throne and who will die this season? Until next time…



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TO MY READERS: This blog was updated with pics, corrections and upgraded content on 3/8/2020

Bran…really? No way!

Bran…really? No way!

So now we know. It is Bran. Say what?? No way….yes way! Spoiler alert if you are planning on binge watching the series if you missed it when it was running. Where do we go from here? Well one series has already been canceled before much could get started on it-was going to be done by a woman. No reason given as to why or what happened. Another series is still in planning but so far the details are being kept close to the vest of HBO peeps in charge. I’m not sure what is going on with the books but I think RR Martin is coming out with another series soon with no 411 on where the last book in Game of Thrones is three years later and long overdue!

Something else you might enjoy are the 25 National Parks that look like they belong on Game of Thrones. You might also enjoy this video which is one man’s opinion about how Game of Thrones should have ended.


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